Monday, February 27, 2006

Interesting Story on the Ohio Republican Primary for Governor

In the ever important swing state of Ohio, Ohio Republicans have a major fight on their hands over who the party's next nominee for governor will be. Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell is battling Attorney General Jim Petro for the nomination. This primary struggle could inflame the party and pave the way for a Democratic win in 2006.

For Ohio Democrats, the 2006 mid-term elections presnet the best opportunity to win state-wide offices in more than 16 years. Better yet, potential state-wide Democratic victories in the Buckeye state would aid our party's Presidential nominee in 2008.

I have my fingers crossed that my birth state will produce the first Democratic gubenatorial victory since I was in 3rd grade some 20 years ago!

Associated Press Article on Immigration

February 27, 2006 Southern Political Report from Hastings Wyman

Click on the link below to read the Southern Political Report from Hastings Wyman. This report includes approval ratings for southern governors.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

North Carolina Justice Report on Economic Prosperity

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Why Americans are not Prospering Under George W. Bush

Please click on the link to read a report from the Center for American Progress. The report details the problem with President Bush's economic policy.{E9245FE4-9A2B-43C7-A521-5D6FF2E06E03}/TAX_BUDGET_GROWTH.PDF

Speaker Jim Black wants State to Pay Legal Fees

I am dumbfounded. Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives Jim Black is asking that the taxpayers of the Tar Heel state pay $200,000 in legal fees for producing thousands of document copies being requested by the Federal Grand-Jury investigating alleged abuses in his office. These monies are not for personal legal fees, but the question is should the hard-working men and women of North Carolina see their tax dollars spent to aid a corrput politician?

Public servants are given a trust by the people to serve and upheld the laws our nation and state. When they betray that trust, the people should not have to foot the bill to bail the office holder out of trouble. Legal monies, whether used for personal or public fees, should come from the individual under investigation.

Jim Black's ethical dilema exemplifies why our political system is in dire need of reform. There is too much money in our electoral process. Special interests our able to influence our government while the needs of the majority go unattended.

I have listened to the debate surrounding the speaker. I renew my calls for the party leadership to ask the speaker to resign. Democrats can not claim to be the party of reform if one of our legislative leaders demonstrates the very issues we are trying to change.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Our Ports and National Security

September 11, 2001 has left vivid imagery in the minds of every American. The attacks carried out against the United States that day will live with people for the rest of their lives. The terrorist attacks of 9-11 changed the politics of the country. As a Democrat who believes in a strong military and world presence for the United States, 9-11 and its aftermath have been a painful experience as the party searches for a sollution to its publicly perceived weakness on national security measures.

This week's disclosure of the Bush Administation's deal to allow our ports to be ran by a company from the United Arab Emirates is a travesty. Democrats now have an issue to counter the Republicans claim of being the party of national secuirty. It is not logical to allow a middle eastern nation to operate our nation's ports. If we are fighting a war on terrorism, why are we allowing the enemy to operate on our soil?

I really feel the American people are searching for a reason to vote for Democrats. The port security issue is a blessing in disguise for Democrats. We need to use this issue to take the secuirty issue away from the Republicans.

Let us not blow this Democrats.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Right-wing is Pissed at Frist!

2008 Presidential Politics in the Palmetto State

Was reading through Washington's The Hill and ran across this article about possible 2008 Presidential candidates in South Carolina.

North Carolina Republicans Request Church Lists!

Good Saturday morning to all! I was reading the Washington Post this morning and ran across an article about North Carolina Republicans requesting church membership lists. The story was originally reported in the Greensboro News and Record. Click on the link below to read more.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Angie for Ohio

I recently stated at a meeting of the Wake County Young Democrats that if all the Ohioans living in North Carolina were still in the Buckeye State, John Kerry would be President of the United States right now. This statement was used to get a quick laugh out of individuals attending the meeting, but in reality it rings very true. I have met numerous Ohioans living in North Carolina and the vast majority of them are young (ages 21-35) and they are Democrats.

As an Ohioan by birth, I will always have a place in my heart for the state that taught me so much about life. As a young man, it was not uncommon for me to see men and women heading off to do an honest days work in a factory, office, or at a construction site. I was proud in telling my friends where my family members worked.

Unfortunately, Ohio is no longer the state it was when I was growing up. National trade policy, bad public policy choices by Republicans and Democrats, and the failure of both parties to deal with the changing economy have put Ohio in dire straits. Because of this, Ohio is losing its intellectual capacity at extremely high rates.

The situation in Ohio is very complex and is going to require new sollutions to fix the problems at hand. One individual who can offer new sollutions to Ohio's problems is Angie Byrne. Angie is bright, articulate, and passionate in her pursuit to make Ohio a better place to live.

I first met Angie two years ago at the Ohio 5th Congressional District Presidential Delegate meeting. I was serving as the coordinator for North Carolina Senator John Edwards and Angie was running to represent the Senator at the 2004 Democratic Convention. I realized when I met Angie that there was something special about her. I understand now that her talents are in helping the Buckeye State regain its rightful spot in national economics and education.

Angie is running for State Representative in western Ohio. She is staking out a moderate course towards policy, which should suit her district very well. The people of western Ohio will have a great representative in Angie Byrne. I urge them to elect Angie because she is committed to putting people in front of politics.

I wish my good friend Angie the best of luck in the coming political year and ask that my blog viewers do what they can to help her out. If you're from Ohio, send Angie a financial contribution. I will put a link to her newly created website below.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Washington Post article about John McCain's outreach to Bush Supporters

Read the link below to read a story about Senator John McCain's effort to attract supporters of President Bush to his possible Presidential run in 2008.

Valentine's Day Thoughts

The room was full of love today as Valentine's Day happiness filled the air. I never noticed how popular this holiday was until I began teaching school. To dampen my students' holiday cheer, I gave them the story of Al Capone and the St. Valentine's Day Masacre or 1929.

Did I do it with intent? Of course not, I just thought mixing history with the holiday was part of the perks of being a teacher!

When God reviwed the calendar year 2006, he had to have smiled when he saw Valentine's Day would fall at the same time as Full Moon. I used to laugh when my teachers would comment on the crazy things that would happen to students at full moon, but the more full moons I observe as a teacher I realize how right they were. Combining Valentine's Day and Full Moon with the endless supply of sugar being consumed by the students, made teaching high school a very interesting task today. For the most part my students were well behaved, yet excited about the prospect of receiving flowers and singing telegrams from their high school sweetheart.

As for me, Valentine's Day was uneventful. I do not complain about the uneventfullness of the day beause I realize as I get older that uneventful means stability and less stress.

To everyone out there in CarolinaDem world, I wish you the best and I hope that Cupid's Arrow found your heart today!

February 13, 2006 Southern Political Report from Hastings Wymann

Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Refreshing Voice in a Time of Ragged Ways

I have been involved in the political process as a volunteer, candidate, campaign staff member, public servant, and party officer for almost ten years. In that time, I have seen candidates of all stripes singing to the masses why they are the best person for a particular office. After ten years, and numerous meetings, candidate nights, etc., one can question the motives of politicians.

As a high school history teacher, it is interesting to see the idealism of my students as we discuss past events and the current state of the world. I often smile when a student gives an answer reminiscent of the Young Blue Dog when I was the same age. It is during these discussions that I am reminded of why I was attracted to the political process at such a young age. I believed I could change the world and politics is for dreamers who long for a better society.

Many of my blog postings have dealt with the negative affects of politicians who abuse the trust given to them by their constituents. The current scandals in Washington and Raleigh are prime examples.

My father often says to me, "If you're not part of the sollution get the hell out of the way because you're part of the problem." I wonder if insiders in the political process are so blind to the candidates our parties select to represent them they forget about the responsibility of questioning the office seeker beyond his/her standard political stump speech. In the past I have been guilty of accepting the stump speech and being "part of the problem."

Last evening, I met a candidate who I feel can make a difference in this time of ragged ideas. Ty Harrell is running for State Representative in North Carolina's 41st District. Ty Harrell has a remarkable personality and a genuine devotion to the people he will represent. He is a refreshing voice and I believe he can make a difference in reforming our state government, making it more responsive to the needs of all Carolinians.

His opponent in the Democratic primary is Chris Mintz. I have never met Chris Mintz, but I question his motives in this race. Chris switched from the Republican to Democratic party at the end of 2005. He now is challenging Ty for the Democratic nomination.

Is Chris a true Democrat who saw the light, or is Chris another opportunistic politician who believes his chances of winning improve as a member of the party of Andrew Jackson? I have had experiences with party switchers before (Judge Tim Cardwell of Huron County comes to mind). He is not a good man and I am ashamed to say I liked him at one time in my life. Party switchers sicken me and I do not trust them.

I urge readers of my blog to view Ty's website and join with him in his campaign for State Representative. I am going to be part of the sollution and do all I can to elect Ty in 2006.

Have a great weekend!

The Continuing Struggles of Speaker Jim Black

Below you will find two articles about the ongoing situation involving North Carolina Speaker of the House Jim Black. After reading these articles I hope you will come to the same conclusion I have about the future of Speaker Black. I respect the Speaker as a public servant, but occasionally a person must step down for the good of the party.

Article from the Raleigh News and Observer

Article from The Independent Weekly

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thursday Night's Ready for the Weekend Post!!

It is finally here! Thursday night. As a college student this night was the one I looked forward to more than any other. As a late-20's grad student, I still love Thursday nights, but am reminded on Friday morning that I am no longer in my undergrad years shape!!!

This weekend promises to be busy, yet fun. Two hockey games, Larry the Cable Guy, and one Young Dems fiesta. Im looking forward to slinging a few beers, and throwing some back saying goodbye to this week and hello to the next.

What is usually a very slow time politically has been all but that. Much is being publicized in the media of North Carolina regarding scandals at the state legislature.

The Speaker of the House, Democrat Jim Black, is on the hot seat over his legislation for preferred constituencies, fund raising and lobbying deals. The more you read of these stories, the more it smells like the skunk I killed on the backroads of Johnston County Tuesday evening on my way home from Smithfield.

A few months back I dedicated a blog posting urging Democrats to take meaningful measures of reform against corruption in politics. Many people within the party have stayed mum on the Speaker issue waiting to see what transpires. I understand the need for caution, but I hope Democrats do not wait too long to ask Speaker Black to step down. Scandals spread through parties like a cancer, and I would hate to see Democrats in 2006 be punished for a lack of treatment of the Speaker's ailments.

Check back often for the latest on this developing story. Until then, be safe, have fun, and don't do anything stupid. Have a great weekend and I'll catch you on Saturday!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Random Thoughts on a Wednesday Night

This blog posting is just a bunch of thoughts....if it doesn't make sense to you, its okay. They are my random thoughts and unless you were there for the events, you may not understand!

Random Thought #1:
To the Wake County YD Exec Board, the meeting tonight was great fun. I want to tell y'all that I really look forward to working with you this next year. I think it is going to be fun and productive.

Random Thought #2:
Julie from Stokes County, North Carolina. You told me you worked for the state of North Carolina last Monday. You asked me about NC Democratic Party Chairman Jerry Meek and political consultant Ed Turrlington. Who are you? If you read this blog we met at the East Village Bar and Grille. You had been drinking and I bet you woke up with one hell of a headache because the mixing you were doing would have made a sailor sick! Just curious to find out about you....please reply!

Randome Thought #3:
Speaking of the East Village Bar and Grille. The place has become my favorite hangout in Raleigh. It's conveniently located near my townhome and the NC State library. Just what a scholar needs. Recently, some Young Democrats met their on a Friday evening and discussed the future of NC politics. I don't know if it was the 1.50 Coors Light or just the end of a long work week, but it seemed to me that if the platform we chose was adopted, we may bring back a number of Tar Heels to the national fold.....Those of you who were there no what I am talking about ;-)

Random Thought #4:
UNC vs. Duke. What is a moral victory? Throughout the day I heard from Tar Heel fans that last nights game was a moral victory. Moral victory or not, UNC lost. Not that I care, I am a STATE fan....but anyway, I guess when I am talking to my Republican friends I can tell them the 2004 election was a moral victory, since we Democrats only lost by 3 percentage points....

Random Thought #5:
It is time for me to get some sleep. Two more days in this week that seems to never be ending.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Illegal Immigration and North Carolina Politics

Read today's cover story in the Raleigh News and Observer over the illegal immigration issue and how North Carolina politicians are reacting to this difficult issue.

Illegal immigration is becoming a hot button issue throughout the United States. This article is a must read for everyone who is concerned with this problem.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Southern Baptists in a Blue State

Read this story about Southern Baptists in the Blue State of Rhode Island. It appeared in Washington Post on Friday, February 3, 2006.

Republican Wedge Issues: 2006 Edition

Commentary in The Washington Post.