Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day Thoughts

The room was full of love today as Valentine's Day happiness filled the air. I never noticed how popular this holiday was until I began teaching school. To dampen my students' holiday cheer, I gave them the story of Al Capone and the St. Valentine's Day Masacre or 1929.

Did I do it with intent? Of course not, I just thought mixing history with the holiday was part of the perks of being a teacher!

When God reviwed the calendar year 2006, he had to have smiled when he saw Valentine's Day would fall at the same time as Full Moon. I used to laugh when my teachers would comment on the crazy things that would happen to students at full moon, but the more full moons I observe as a teacher I realize how right they were. Combining Valentine's Day and Full Moon with the endless supply of sugar being consumed by the students, made teaching high school a very interesting task today. For the most part my students were well behaved, yet excited about the prospect of receiving flowers and singing telegrams from their high school sweetheart.

As for me, Valentine's Day was uneventful. I do not complain about the uneventfullness of the day beause I realize as I get older that uneventful means stability and less stress.

To everyone out there in CarolinaDem world, I wish you the best and I hope that Cupid's Arrow found your heart today!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad for you!

10:54 PM  

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