Sunday, April 30, 2006

Vernon Robinson Article

A good article about Vernon Robinson found in the News & Observer. A blog posting on Mr. Robinson will be coming this week!

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Message Thing

I have paid close attention to the Democratic National Committee meetings this past week listening closely to the message. The problem is, I don't know what the message is.

There is lots of talk about corruption in government, oil prices, one-party government, and we can do a better job, but all-in-all there is no coherent message for voters to identify where our party stands on issues.

Last month, Congressman Tim Ryan-D, OH, was the featured speaker at the North Carolina Young Democrats convention in Charlotte. I was impressed at the message he offered the YD's. He talked about the need for leadership and ideas in a time of great change for our country. It was the first time since Bill Clinton that I heard a Democrat talk openly about where our party should stand on the major issues of our time. I wish the leadership of our party in DC would take note of Congressman Ryan's ideas and message.

The party must be more than the anti-Bush/Republican party. We need our own ideas to make a message that can be easily identified by voters. It is in this area that many national Democrats find themselves in a great void.

My analysis of the party message is the same as some delegates at the meetings. I have linked an article from CBS News for your review.

Democrats and Republicans preparing for Hillary

ABC News story on Hillary Clinton.

Democratic State Parties want earlier Primaries

News from Democratic National Committee meetings in New Orleans. Click on the link below to see the latest from ABC News on state Democratic Parties and their plans for earlier primaries in 2008.

Tomorrow's blog posting will feature the dangers in the condensed primary schedule and party democracy.

Fayetteville Observer Editorial on Speaker Black

Click on the link to read commentary on Speaker Jim Black from the Fayetteville Observer from April 20, 2006

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Shameless Jim Black

I don't know who to more upset with; the House Democratic Caucus, The North Carolina Democratic Party, state-elected Democratic officials, or Speaker of the House Jim Black. I put great thought into this blog posting, trying to consider the positions of each player in the saga surrounding the current speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives. I considered the upside and downside of each player in the event a call for resignation was made, or took place. At the conclusion of my pondering, I could only be upset with one person, the Speaker himself.

The Speaker of the House is a leadership position in our government. It is in the public face that defines North Carolina to the nation. Individuals who hold this title should be held to a higher standard. When they break the bond of trust, they should leave the office and spare the state embarassment.

Jim Black, the Mecklenburg County Democratic Speaker of the House, appears to operate without any shame. He dismisses any resignation talk in an arrogant Don Rumsfeld like manner. For Democrats, the allegations of corruption that encompass his office has given Tar Heel Republicans a perfect campaign issue amidst the declining popularity of the GOP in national circles.

National Democrats have made clean government a cornerstone of election year 2006. The North Carolina Democratic Party has posted numerous positions calling for clean government. Black's troubles run contrary to these calls and damage Democratic credibility on this issue.

It is apparent the Speaker will not do the honorable and resign. I call on our party leadership (Governor Easley, Lt. Governor Perdue, Party Chair Jerry Meek) to publicly ask the Speaker to step down. Give our candidates that truly believe in clean government a credible backing. It is within your power to make this party "walk-the-walk" that support all "the talk" about the principles that define this great party's tradition of offering voters clean, responsive, and effective government for the people.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

North Carolina College Republicans or Gambino Crime Family?

While surfing conservative websites this morning I ran across an article that reminded me of big-city machine politics. Bribery and threats, it seems like something one would find in the Gambino Crime family and their ties to political machines. But it is not, its the North Carolina College Republican organization.

Found on website of North Carolina Conservative, April 19, 2006
NC College Republican anger continues
At their recent state convention the North Carolina Federation of College Republicans passed a resolution of censure:(Congressman) Patrick McHenry and Jason Deans made personal phone calls to multiple College Republicans in North Carolina to encourage them to support Gourley for Chairman of the CRNC over Michael Davidson. And, in these calls, bribes, as well as various inappropriate threats, including threats against future political careers, were stated and implied

North Carolina Conservatives Campaign Memo

Click on the link below to read the conservative campaign memo for 2006.

In Defense of Civilian Controlled Military

On April 11, 1951, President Harry S. Truman preserved an essential component of the republican system of government. By dismissing General Douglas MacArthur of his duties as commander of American forces in the Pacific during the Korean War, Truman preserved the American ideal of civilian control of the United States military.

During the Clinton Administration, numerous generals and ex-military brass criticized the President's handling of military affairs, i.e. defense spending, deployment of forces, defense preperation. Despite the criticism, the Clinton White House continued their defense plans and military operations. The criticism was rightfully dismissed and voters were given their chance to assess the Clinton Administration at the ballot box.

In the past weeks, ex-generals have become quite vocal over current Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. The generals have been calling for Rumsfeld's firing because of perceptions he fails to listen to top brass over military decisions.

I am not a fan of Donald Rumsfeld, but I do believe strongly in the principle of civilian control of the military. I feel it would be dangerous for the administration to perform an about-face because of pressures applied from ex-military officios and applaud President Bush for standing beside his Defense Secretary.

The American people will have their chance to voice their opinions over the path our nation is headed in November. If Democrats feel Rumsfeld is a major campaign issue, as they did in 2004, then voters will reward them at the polls. I hope the calls from former generals was not politically orchastrated.

The issue I am most concerned about is the lack of a Democratic alternative to the War. I say this with the upmost respect for the party, yet I worry that a lack of an alternative on this issue makes our candidates vulnerable to a cut-and-run label from Republicans.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Where Does the Right to Speech End?

The cornerstone of American Democracy is the First Amendment to the Constitution. The guaranteed protection to peacefully assemble and protest is essential to the preservation of our democratic ideals. The mere fact individuals can scream their belief without fear of arrest is the beauty of our ever-changing country.

Our republican experiment of giving citizens freedoms rests upon the people practicing their citizenship in a responsible manner. It is unlawful to yell fire in a public building because our courts have ruled in favor of protecting the majority when a minority uses speech in a harmful way.

In the spirit of protecting people, the judicial branch must examine the issues surrounding protesting of fallen soldiers funerals. A public park, legislative building, etc., are appropriate ways to protest government policy. Staging demonstrations at funerals is disgraceful and I call on our government to pass legislation banning protests at cemetaries. I would expect that our court system would find this legislation to be constitutional.

The families of our fallen soldiers deserve privacy and respect in their time of grief. Democrat, Republican, or whatever political philosophy one subscribes, should be able to pass legislation in a bi-partisan manner to give our soldier's families the peace to bid a fallen patriot farewell.

As a Democrat, I would be proud of party in taking the lead on such an honorable and patriotic effort.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Conservatives Don't Trust McCain

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Book Lovers Paradise

Two weeks ago I ventured to Chapel Hill for the day. It was the first full weekend of spring and I needed to travel and see the sights of the season. Chapel Hill is absolutely beautiful in the spring. The flowers sparkle against the backdrop of the Carolina Blue sky, and the smells ease the cabin fever that has developed over the previous months.

On this journey, I ran across a used book store on Franklin Street. The Book Shop Inc., is a book lovers paradise. The wide selection of works is all consuming and a person can spend a life-time looking over the collection in the store. I was able to find history books on time-periods that have been foregotten by modern scholars. The biggest pleasantry was that I purchased three books for under 15 dollars. A huge bargain none-the-less.

I suggest any reader in the Triangle Area visit this gem of a store in Chapel Hill. I have included a link below to the site.

Wonderful Commentary from Rob Christensen

Many blog postings on this site have dealt with the Democratic Party's problem with working-class male voters and the need to win them back to the party. Below is a commentary piece that appeared in the News and Observer this past Sunday. I think it is a great piece and reinforces points made on this blog.

NC Republican Split?

A recent article in the News and Observer hints at a split in the NC GOP. Click on the link below to read the article.

And yes, Another District 41 Article!

Read the News and Observer article about NC House District 41.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Another Angle from Distric 41

The Independent newspaper has offered a nice piece on the State Representative race in NC District 41. Please click on the link below to read the aritcle.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Vote for Carolina Demline

I was recently informed that a local South Carolina website was publishing a web based poll where favorite political blogs from the Carolina's would be pitted against each other. I will include a link to the site below.

Please vote for your favorite political blog: Carolina Demline!!!

Governor Mark Sanford Quietly Raising Campaign Cash

Recent reports in The State newspaper of South Carolina show Republican Governor Mark Sanford has compiled quite the campaign war chest for his re-election bid this year. Sanford is an attractive, new south governor and Democrats must beware of his fundraising abilities shown during the past year.

I have stated on my blog that Mark Sanford is a serious candidate who possesses an attractive resume. He is polished, articulate and would make a very good Presidential candidate in 2008. When considering primary and electoral politics, Sanford is a dream-come-true for Republicans.

It will be interesting to see how his re-election campaign transpires this year. Mark my word, if he wins by a big margin, Sanford will be looking at the White House in 2008.

Monday, April 10, 2006

A Tale of Two Presidents!

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.
It was the age of unity. It was the age of divisivness.
It was the the President of compassion. It was the President of malignity.
It was a time in which the United States faced challenges of momentous proportions, with all countries willing to sacrafice to defend democracy.
It was a time in which the United States lost its prestige in the world.

The above satire is my prediction of how scholars will view the Bush Presidency 100 years from now. Elected in 2000 without a mandate, this President squandered the hopes and dreams of many people. With approval ratings in thd 90's for much of his first term, the President is treading water trying not to see his approval dip any further.

Below you will find a link to a story that appeared in today's Washington Post dealing with recent polling numbers on President Bush's approval rating. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times......

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Quiet for a Week!

I want to thank all of y'all who sent emails asking if things were okay. I am doing great! My family was visiting this past week making it difficult to find time to post nightly. This week will be back to normal with thoughtful analysis of the political issues of the day.

This past weekend, conservatives across North Carolina gathered to discuss politics in North Carolina and the United States. Please read the following article about the North Carolina Conservative Leadership Conference.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Washington Post Opinion on the GOP and God

What Goes Around Comes Around

Wonderful article on the state of the Katherine Harris for Senate campaign in Florida.

"Crunchy Cons" An Interesting New Book: Read NY Times Book Review

Is Speaker Black's Time Limited?

Article from Greensboro News and Record.

Article in today's News and Observer.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Whole "lotta party-switchin' going on"

A recent post to Carolina Demline sparked quite the response from all sides of the Democratic Party regarding the 41st State House race in the Tar Heel state. Let me say, I welcome the discussion posted to this blog. As a Democrat, I feel our biggest strength lies in our ability to field opinion across the political landscape by welcoming all people to the party.

That being said, I have no issue with Mr. Mintz joining the Democratic Party. In all honesty, I welcome a moderate voice to the party because I feel too often moderates are being pushed aside by entrenched special interests. However, I do not welcome a person who joins the party and immediately runs for office under the party banner without earning Democratic stripes.

I believe a person with the Republican credentials of Mr. Mintz has little credibility when switching parties and immediately declaring his candidacy for office as a Democrat. I do not care about his glossy pictures and well printed literature because I expect that from any serious political candidate. The issue I am more concerned with is his true feelings on the key issues that define our party. Mintz's track record of supporting right-wing political figures of the Tar Heel state worries me.

I know where Ty Harrell stands on each issue. I know he is true to his beliefs.

Mr. Mintz may be a die-hard Democrat. The problem is his actions speak louder than his words.

This era of party switching has affected the Demoratic Party in greater numbers than the Republican Party. I do not think it is a good practice to accept and worry about its implications on the future of politics.

Wonderful Article from a Southern Democrat

Click on the link below to read a strategy memo offering a new direction for Democrats.

Corporate Give-aways and North Carolina Communities

Read the following article found in a recent publication of the Institute for Southern Studies by clicking on the link provided below. This article gives valuable insight on the relationship between tax incentives for corporations by local municipalities. The problem is, the jobs are disappearing as corporations reap the benefits!