A Tale of Two Presidents!
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.
It was the age of unity. It was the age of divisivness.
It was the the President of compassion. It was the President of malignity.
It was a time in which the United States faced challenges of momentous proportions, with all countries willing to sacrafice to defend democracy.
It was a time in which the United States lost its prestige in the world.
The above satire is my prediction of how scholars will view the Bush Presidency 100 years from now. Elected in 2000 without a mandate, this President squandered the hopes and dreams of many people. With approval ratings in thd 90's for much of his first term, the President is treading water trying not to see his approval dip any further.
Below you will find a link to a story that appeared in today's Washington Post dealing with recent polling numbers on President Bush's approval rating. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times......
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