Friday, December 30, 2005

State of South Carolina failing poor school districts

Judge Thomas Cooper of South Carolina ruled that South Carolina schools are not meeting the needs of rural and poor school districts. Read the article in The State newspaper and click on the PDF link to read the Judge's decision.

2005 Political Year in Review from the Raleigh News and Observer

It is hard to believe that 2005 is about to come to a close. Much has taken place in North Carolina during the year. Click on the link below and read about the political highlites from the TarHeel State.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Back in North Carolina!

It's been one week since my last posting. In the past week I have enjoyed spending time with my grandparents in the Sunshine state of Florida. I had a very relaxing vacation and was able to think about many issues.

In my future blog reports, I will share my reflections for 2006 as our party begins its quest to chip away at the current Republican majority. To begin this discussion, I am posting a memo that was written by the Democratic Leadership Council. You can read it by clicking on the link below.

I hope all of you are having a Happy Holiday season and look forward to our great discussion in 2006!

Finally, a big congratulations goes out to The Honorable John S. Ridge, Judge of the Norwalk Municipal Court in Norwalk, Ohio. Judge Ridge is being sworn in tonight for a fourth term on the bench. Judge Ridge exemplifies the strategies Democrats should use in winning elections. He has conducted himself as a fair, yet tough Judge. He is a moderate Democrat and the Party should take notice of such office holders.

Thank you Judge for your service, and I look forward to further discussions with you on the future of our Party!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

To all my friends and blog viewers, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. This posting will be my last posting before Christmas. Tomorrow I will be leaving for Florida for a much needed break from students, school, and politics. I am looking forward to a vacation visiting my grandparents, sipping sweet tea in the Florida afteroon, and basking in the rays of sunshine. I will use my break to refresh myself and plan my course of action in both personal and political endeauvors for 2006.

I will resume my postings next week. Please read the articles I posted below. Each of them have an important message.

Merry Christmas, and my y'all have a safe and enjoyable holiday season! May God Bless you, your family, and the United States of America!

All my best,


Why Democrats need to beware of the European Mistake!

Article for Democrats to think about in 2006

Great Opinion from National Review Online

Monday, December 19, 2005

Support President Bush and our Fighting Men and Women in the War on Terror

I know this posting will make some of my Democratic friends uneasy, but those who know me best understand that I have been a supporter of the Bush Administration's War on Terror since the early hours of September 11, 2001. I have always believed that politics needs to end at our countires waters. I am not ashamed of my wholehearted support of President Bush's decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq; positions that were unpopular with many in my party. I still believe I was correct in my support for President Bush and would do the same if the clock was turned back.

In last nights speech to the nation, President Bush made the most compelling arguments to date for America's committment to staying the course in Iraq and winning the "big picture" in the War on Terrorism. War is not pretty. The images shown on our TV screens at night are gruesome and do affect the moral of the American people. We must not foreget that in our countries previous wars, men have died.

Would the outcome of World War II be different now if TV screens were prominent in every American household? Would people question the resolve of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to defeat the Evil Axis of Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, and Tojo's Japan? It makes you wonder!

Our country is persuing the correct policy in the Middle East. Democratic nations do not fight each other. A free Iraq will eventually lead to a peaceful Middle East as people are awakened to the freedoms accustomed with democracy. Other nations in the region will, and some currently are, (Egypt and Lebanon come to mind), be forced to deal with their own tyrannical and oppressive governments. By spreading freedom in this region, our enemies will have no base of operation to launch attacks on western governments.

Our fighting men and women are doing a hell-of-a-job in Iraq. We must honor the sacrafices they are making in this struggle between good and evil. To quit now would dishonor the men and women who have given their lives to this cause of freedom, and embolden the terrorists to attack us in the future.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

South Carolina needs Leadership Change

In a recent article in The State newspaper from South Carolina, it was noted that the unemployment rate in the Palmetto state is 7.1%. South Carolina has the third highest unemployment rate in the country; Mississippi and Louisianna, who felt the brunt of the hurricane season have higher rates of unemployment.

South Carolina has great potential. Its people are some of the nicest of the southland, the state is blessed with fine institutions of learning, and its coastline is full of wildlife attractions. My favorite city in the South, [next to Raleigh ;-)] Charleston, exemplifies what the whole state could look like if the leadership in South Carolina was improved.

Republican Governor Mark Sanford has failed in bringing effective leadership to the state. Sandford is trying to position himself as a "new south" governor in hopes of obtaining the Republican Presidential nomination in 2008.

Instead of eyeing the nomination, Sandford should turn his attention to the plight of South Carolinians. The state is 50 years behind its neighbors in providing quality elementary/secondary education. Its infrastructure in rural communities is lacking the necessary improvements to attract new business.

South Carolinians deserve better. In 2006, I hope the people of South Carolina elect leaders who will improve the state while protecting its history and treasures.

December 15, 2005 Southern Political Report

Click on the link to read the Hastings Wymans Southern Political Report for December 15, 2005.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

WUNC Radio Interview with Governor Easley

Use the link below to listen to the end of the year interview with North Carolina Governor Mike Easley. Governor Easley discusses the legislative session and his future plans. He does not say "yes" to a Presidential run in 2008, but he does not say "no" either.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Raleigh Republican State Rep. joins Democratic Party!!

Further proof that Democrats can be succcessful across our country if they run on economic issues.

NC 11th Congressional District Update from The Hill

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Washington Post article in regards to Howard Dean's latest "Foot in Mouth" statement!

News from the Southern Political Report

December 5, 2005 Political Report