Friday, March 31, 2006

Congratulations Carolina Hurricanes

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Harrell Looking Good in the 41st!!

The true Democratic candidate for NC State Representative received great news in a recent survey done by Raleigh based Public Policy Polling. Ty Harrell holds a lead over his Deocratic-come-lately opponent Chris Mintz.

Please click on the link below to find out more on the poll in the 41st State House district.

North Carolina Conservatives Worried over 11th Congressional District

Click on the link below to find out more!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Al Gore's Return?

While at the bookstore this evening I the cover of The American Prospect caught my eye so I snatched a copy off the shelf. I sat down and began to read an article profiling the new and improved Al Gore.

It seems the former Vice President has "re-invented" himself again and is possibly considering a second run for the White House in 2008.

I have included a link to the story for my blog viewers to read. Please check it out and see for yourself.

News & Observer Commentary on Speaker Jim Black

Monday, March 27, 2006

Read Up on Presidential Perspectives in the South

Great report from Hastings-Wyman on 2008 perspective Presidential candidates and their chances in southern primaries and the general election.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Back from traveling the Tar Heel State!

This past weekend consisted of many political events and speeches. It was a pleasure to meet Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio. More to come on my thoughts about the past weekend later this evening

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Busy Weekend of Politics: Tar Heel State Style!

Loyal readers of Carolina Demline, you will notice this weekend that I will be silent. No, W has not shut done my blog! I will be criss-crossing the state of North Carolina attending conventions in Winston-Salem and Charlotte.

Tomorrow, I will represent Johnston County as a delegate to the North Carolina Association of Educator's annual convention in Winston-Salem. I am looking forward to discussing the issues facing teachers in our state and hearing their diverse opinions.

Saturday, I will be off to Charlotte to attend the Young Democrats of North Carolina Convention.

Both conventions promise to be great fun and I will report on them late Sunday afternoon.

Until my next post, stay safe and God Bless!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Senator Jim DeMint's Response Team

Article in The Hill about South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint's rapid response team in the United States Senate. The Republicans have taken the idea of rapid response to the next level. Click on the link below to read more.

Great articles to read!

Click on the link below to read a series of wonderful articles found in the February 2006 Blueprint Magazine published by the Democratic Leadership Council.

Despite some previous posts by visitors to Carolina Demline, the DLC is not a group of losers, but a true voice for 21st century progressivism.

The articles in this issue are a must read for all Democrats who will be involved in the campaign process because they speak to the core issues that will be debated in the coming months.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

News and Observer Commentary from Rob Christensen

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

McCain Betting the Farm on Bush?

Likely GOP Presidential candidate Senator John McCain of Arizona appears to be staking his dreams of living in the White House to the future successes of the Bush Administration. This past weekend, McCain polled his name from consideration at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference and urged delegates to vote for President Bush. McCain argued to the party faithful that the President was in need of their support.

Previous to last weekends events, McCain has been wooing Bush operatives in Washington and early primary states.

I believe McCain made a huge mistake this past weekend in Memphis. McCain has always prided himself as being an independent voice in the Republican Party. By standing firmly with President Bush, McCain has shed his maverick position and opened himself to attacks from party insurgents on each ideological spectrum of the Republican Party.

McCain has to be seen as the "big loser" from the Memphis straw poll. He appeared weak on Republican core issues and the delegates received him in a luke-warm manner.

The 2008 primaries promise to be an exciting time for political observers. It will be interesting to see who emerges as the GOP front runner in the coming months. If history repeats itself, you can bet the Republicans will nominate the most conservative candidate who can win the general in 2008.

For McCain, his time may have come. Watch closely Mike Huckabee and Mark Sanford. Both New South Republican governors.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Republican's Gather in Memphis for 2008 Straw Poll

It is March 2006 and observers of American politics are witnessing the first shots of the 2008 Presidential campaign. Between ACC Basketball this past weekend, my TV set was tuned to MSNBC's coverage of the Southern Republican Leadership Conference Straw Poll of likely Republican candidates for President held in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Republican gathering produced an early look at issues likely to be seen in the 2006 and 2008 elections. I was intrigued at the number of Republican activists who listed traditional family issues, anti-abortion, immigration, and tax cuts as key litmus provisions of any future Republican nominee. It is safe to believe that Republicans will test these issues in 2006 and that any possible nominee in 2008 will have to placate the base of cultural values voters.

Democrats must take serious notes on the issues raised by Republicans. The 2002 and 2004 elections were fought on terms of national security defined by Karl Rove and the Bush Spin Machine. If Republicans want to fight the 2006 and 2008 elections on cultural issues, the Democratic Party must stake a moderate course to win back swing voters who have voted national security in the post 9-11 elections to our party.

Previously, I have posted the need for Democrats to reshape our image seen on TV. If Republicans are going to stake their hopes on cultural issues, we must present moderate candidates who can offer new sollutions to the issues facing our country in the 21st century.

The other surprising event of the weekend in Memphis was the lack of enthusiasm towards President Bush. I heard more candidates speak of President Reagan than of current President Bush.

2006 and 2008 present a golden opportunity for Democrats to win back offices held by Republicans. We do not need to get into a pissing contest with the Republicans over who can be the most ideological. Rather, we need to outflank the Republicans by offering a prgamatic platform that shows voters we can be trusted to create responsible policies to help Americans.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The 100th Posting of Carolina Demline

This posting is the 100th posting to Carolina Demline. I wish I had more to say tonight, but politics took a back seat this weekend to basketball and being outside in the wonderful spring weather of North Carolina.

I have chosen a quick post from the Southern Political Report for my viewers to enjoy. Check back tomorrow for more updates in what promises to be an exciting week as I launch the next 100 blog postings.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Reshaping the Party's Image

When I launched Carolina Demline in October of 2005, I intended to use this blog as a way to positively influence Democratic politics. I created this blog because I felt there was a void in dialogue representing the mainstream-moderate Democrats, whom I happen to share many beliefs. It has been my goal to broaden the scope of debate within the Democratic Party by focusing on government reform and new ideas.

In some of my postings, I have singled out Democratic leaders who subscribe to beliefs that are to the left of my personal preference. At times, these postings have been very personal in nature and have led some to question my stripes as a Democrat.

Last evening, a group of "Democratic Minds" gathered at Woody's to discuss basketball, politics, and life. After a bit of verbal back-and-forth, in which the blog moderator was accused of using Republican rhetoric in describing liberals, a concensus began to arise. This discussion proved beneficial as many key components of the reform the Democratic Party debate were concluded.

It has always amused me to be involved with this sort of discussion. No matter what ideological spectrum one falls under, there is something that pulls likeminded people together.

The Democratic Minds were succuessful in deciding the following ways to reshape the party's image:

1. Our national party must have a better coordinated strategy to deal with the issues of the day. Instead of having Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Teddy Kennedy, Chuck Schumer and the like speak on every talk show, the national party should push for moderate Democrats to represent the party to the American people. Each party puts the extreme ideologues in front of the American people. We feel if Democrats used their moderates, a block of voters thirsting for a party would accpet our pro-worker, pro-environment, and pro-family agenda.

2. We must expand our party's base of support beyond traditional interest groups. Read #1 on how to do that!

3. Hillary, or any other Northeastern Democrat can not be our party's nominee. Look to the South or Midwest. Hmmm...Evan Bayh, Mark Warner, and John Edwards are wonderful choices for our party's nominee. Our party needs to develop a Southern/Midwest strategy. It has worked in the past on populist themes, it can work again!

You may not agree with our conclusions. If not, we understand. We our Democrats and allow divergence of thought. Hope to hear from y'all on your ideas.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Report on the Underclass by the Brookings Institution

Brookings Institute New Iraqi Strategy

Monday, March 06, 2006

A Democratic House? The Possibilities are Endless!

Article in The New York Times.

Another Washington Monthly Article about Evengelicals

Please read my post from yesterday regarding Moral voters and then click the link below to read this article in the Washington Monthly.

Washington Monthly Article about Ralph Reed

Washington Monthly Article about the GOP and Evengelicals

The GOP and Abortion

Click on the link below to find an interesting article found in the National Journal about the GOP and the abortion issue.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Winning Back Moral Voters

The Raleigh News and Observer has reported on a number of stories this week that have dealt with religion and politics. Today's story deals with a local minister who believes the church should not legislate morality.

I have been amazed with the mass explosion of the evengelical political movement in the United States. I remember an article that my grandmother gave to me during the 1992 Presidential election cycle that profiled the Christian Coalition and Ralph Reid. At the time, I was just taking an interest into the political process and dismissed the Christian Coalition as a small Republican Party faction group. Boy how I was wrong.

Today, groups affiliated with evengelical and family causes provide a solid group of voters that can be compared to the once large block of Union voters in the Democratic Party.

As a practicing Roman Catholic, it has been interesting to see the merger of the evengelical movement with Pro-Life Catholics. Ten years ago I would have never predicted this strong voting block of Protestant Evengelicals and Catholics.

Recently, Democrats have attempted to show their moral stripes. Instead of trying to placate relgious voters, Democrats must formulate ideas that will compete with the social agenda of the Republican Party.

Jim Wallis, the author of God Politics, has raised the poverty question as an area that Republicans have failed miserably. Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards has spoken in great length about poverty in the past year. This issue reflects upon the morality of our country. If Democrats would cut their ties with big labor and other narrowed interests and offer a vision, I believe the party would attract Evengelical and Catholic voters back to the party.

Democrats need to understand that a new big government program is not the sollution to this poblem. We must stress the need for responsibility and opportunity of all people. I would welcome a private/public enterprise to deal with poverty across the country. Americans blessed with economic security want to give the impoverished hope, but are concerned with government's failure to stress that help is a hand up, not a hand out.

I spoke with some local business people in Raleigh in the past week about poverty and education issues. The business community is concerned with this issue. If Democrats offer genuine leadership, government and business can work together to fight this pressing problem.

Please click the link below to read this interesting story.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

President Bush's Approval Rating Falls in Southeastern United States

Liberals hold Religious Voters Conference

Read this article about a conference held in Durham, NC about courting religious voters.