Harrell Looking Good in the 41st!!
The true Democratic candidate for NC State Representative received great news in a recent survey done by Raleigh based Public Policy Polling. Ty Harrell holds a lead over his Deocratic-come-lately opponent Chris Mintz.
Please click on the link below to find out more on the poll in the 41st State House district.
Well, you are talking about a really old poll. Here is updated information that has Chris up by 10 points. Here is the information:
RALEIGH – Chris Mintz, Democratic candidate for NC House District 41, says he has taken a 10-point lead over his party rival Ty Harrell in a new telephone survey conducted by his campaign Tuesday night. The poll conducted on behalf of The Kitchens Group in Orlando, Florida showed most likely voters preferred Mintz over Harrell by a 21% to 11% margin.
I don't think Ty can win this race, and it doesn't have much to do with money. Ty is just no where as near as knowledgable as Chris is on the topics. Chris was extremely impressive on Tuesday night at the Western Wake Democrats.
I think that what is more important than poll numbers is the reaction people have when they stop guessing about Chris' motives and actually listen to what he has to say. He was very impressive on Tuesday night! He was upfront and honest about his changing parties and why he's running for office. I liked what he had to say about the issues, and quite frankly I do think he has a better chance at winning the general election than does Ty. Don't get me wrong, a D in the seat is better than Russell Capps any day. But, if we as Democrats, don't look at winning this seat strategically and continue to hate Chris Mintz we may just loose this seat, again. I welcome anyone to the Democratic party who wants to stand with us. That's what makes us Democrats! I'm supporting Chris.
Question being - do we think Mintz will really do right by the Democratic party? And will he even be listened to if he is elected? Mintz is ridiculed by the Republican party for switching parties, and the Democratic Party is suspicious of him (speaking in generals here, not inclusive of everyone on either side). I believe our party will do right in supporting whoever wins the primary, but what's the point of putting anyone in that office that is not fully welcome on either side of the aisle?
here is my take on the WWD meeting and what I just put up on my website www.whoischrismintz.com.
The whole electability meme is a crock....it sure got us far with Edwards and Kerry eh?
If one were in the habit of judging books by their covers then NC House District 41 candidate Chris Mintz's presentation March 28th at the Western Wake Dems meeting was slick and glossy smooth like his mailings. It's clear he is getting used to answering the usual questions about his miraculous conversion but once you start reading this manuscript and get past the intro things don't seem to add up.
During the very limited, one question per person, no follow up format I asked how he can say he "left the Republican party because of it's social views" when he publicly stated on several occasions that he was a conservative Republican that supported ultra conservative organizations, and helped raise close to $25,000 for the party and its candidates in the eight months prior to his controversial defection.
His answer, if you dissect it, is classic spin. He says he also "donated to the Democratic party" but try as I might I can find no record of any donations, support for, canvassing for, or fundraising for the Democratic party or any of its candidates until after his wondrous conversion. In my opinion this only reinforces his chameleon like character.
Chris Mintz went to great lengths to distance himself from his past public statements by claiming that before his defection he was only speaking as the president of the Wake GOP Mens Club. Well that's just plain hard to believe and is directly contradicted by the facts.
He personally told the Carolina Newsline on June 28th 2005 that he is a conservative Republican that actively supported a number of Republican candidates, including Donnie Harrison for Sheriff (2002), Les Merritt for State Auditor (2004), Patrick Ballantine for Governor (2004), Jesse Helms for U. S. Senate (1996) and Lauch Faircloth for U. S. Senate (1998). Additionally, in the very same article, he went on to say he supports organizations such as the North Carolina Family Policy Council, N. C. Forum for Research & Economic Education (NCFREE), the Wake County Taxpayers' Association, the John Locke Foundation, and the Jesse Helms Center Foundation and Freedom Works. He didn't say just the GOP Mens Club, He said He supports all of them. Even industrial strength revisionist white-out can't blank out old chapters like that.
In front of a crowd of Democrats he waxed eloquently on how he was just a moderate Republican that recently realized he is more of a moderate middle of the road Democrat. Well I for one find it highly unbelievable that a moderate Democrat or even a moderate Republican for that matter would donate $500 to the campaign of ultra conservative Republican Virginia Foxx six months before defecting the Republican party unless he believed in her or was lapping up to the party bosses in his quest for the 41st district.
After the meeting I went up to Mr Mintz and said "you know, there is the perception out there that you are being backed by the powerful real estate development lobby." His response? He shrugged his shoulders and said "that is correct". Hummmm, and on the subject of impact fees for developers, he took the safe, conservative, cowardly route and said he would have to think about it. What a surprise.
As for Mr Mintz's stand on other pressing matters? Health care will be handled by giving businesses tax breaks for health insurance. What about the unemployed or the self employed? How does this help the housekeepers, the contract construction guys, temp workers, and seasonal workers many of whom are now contract-only to avoid any support from their employers? Conservative estimates say approximately 22% of the workforce falls in the above category. When asked about the minimum wage, which shamefully in NC has not gone up in 10 years, he proposes raising it to six dollars, a whopping 8.5 cent increase per year.
No I am afraid that if you start reading this book carefully and honestly you will realize it's just another slick tome on spincraft by another fair weather politician willing to sell his soul to the highest bidder.
And as for the polls, more classic crap, I'll bet you $100 he didnt explain any of the avove before asking his bull questions... their just testing name recognition from 3 slick glossy mailings and generic robo calls. His plan and hope is that folks won't find out about the past because when they do his numbers drop like a stone among the grassroots activists that typically go out and vote in blue moon primaries. His deceptive and slick performance at the WWD is a carefully crafted act.
This excellent synopsis of the current state of affairs is exactly why I put up my website and am so upset at Mintzs decision to force a primary in the 41st:
Just food for thought..BUT, this nonsense about "slick and glossy smooth" is a bit ridiculous. As a candidate, anyone would want to put forward the best presentation they can. If Ty had the ability to produce those mailers then he would too. Anyone would. But, because he can't or hasn't yet, we'll use that against Chris. WHO CARES? Read what's on the mailer and lets discuss that...not whether he used a glossy finish or card stock paper. If he had run photocopies off at Kinkos in plain black and white, then he'd be called something else, I'm sure. That means nothing.
Additionally, the controversy over his fundraising or contribution to himself is a bit much too. If his mother gave him money someone would have something to say about that. The same thing if an attorney, doctor, lobbyist, preacher, teacher, etc. etc. gave him money. As long as the law allows him to give himself money, and or to receive money from developers, what's he done wrong? Please, now more than ever...lets keep the discussion at a higher level. What are his thoughts on education, health care, economic development, and growth? What does he say he'll do for us? Talk about that, argue about that, disagree with that...But for heaven's sake lets not become the Republican party and eat our own.
(Also, and this is pure speculation...I would imagine that many would agree that our two party system is a mess. And, that the more candidates or choices you have, the better. So tell me again, if we've thrown strategy aside, why anyone would be "mad" that Chris forced a primary?)
Okay. This Max fella has way too much time on his hands. Can you say "obsession"? Mintz may want to consider a restraining order. Wow.
I hope when Mintz wins the primary, he won't give this guy the time of day. This Max guy is what is wrong with politics.
The other night, the only folks that were against Mintz didn't even live in his district,but were there at the urging of the older guy upfront that asked the first question. Don't know who that was.
I am supporting Mintz. He is right on par with the issues that matter to me.
I've never been a blogger or someone who gets overly upset with politics. I've come to terms that sometimes two people aren't going to agree. HOWEVER, after much research today, instead of working, I have come to the realization that Max Mattia is as much a hypocrite himself as he thinks Chris Mintz is. On your website you write...
"Any one looking at the facts in the time line would have reasonable cause for doubt. It ís Chris The Chameleon Mintz who is gutless and should be ashamed of his decision to run against Ty and NOT Hunt in the 15th. He is nothing but another fair weather vacillating opportunist politician and quite frankly we already have enough of them."
By this comment, I assume that you feel that it would have been fine for Chris to switch parties, become a democrat, and run against Neal Hunt - that scenario would have been ok? But, no...since he's decided to run against Ty he must be terrible? Sir, I'm glad you've decided to support the candidate of your choosing, but the manner in which you have chosen to attack Chris speaks volumes to your own character. Whether or not Ty Harrell has anything to do with you, your website, or your motives I don't know or care. But I do know, that he too should be ashamed at the way his supporters are behaving.
Well this is just too funny. Kelly let me respond to your first post...I would welcome a discussion on the issues presented on the mailer, problem is that the mailer is so vague and generic with no specifics. Did you not notice that I specifically mentioned his comments about health care and the minimum wage. why did you not comment on that? it's far easier to attack the messenger apparently. As to the lending himself money did you see anywhere where I said it was wrong to do that? What I said was that it is a tad bit hypocritical to say "it is very humbling to have the support of these community leaders, with their help we have accumulated over $100,000 for our campaign" and then the very next day loan yourself $100,000 dollars....That is what I took issue with, don't try and put words in my mouth.
Marshall went on to say "the only folks that were against Mintz didn't even live in his district, but were there at the urging of the older guy upfront that asked the first question. Don't know who that was." You do realize that Mintz doesn't even live in the 15th district....he does however live in the 15th where Neal Hunt was running unopposed. I live right on the border with the 41st and what goes on there directly affects my life in a big way so please don't tell me I had no right to attend the meeting which after all was for ALL Western Wake Dems.
Now Kelly your second post. I stand by my statement. If Mintz wanted to cut his teeth in the party and show his dedication then running in the 41st was a bonehead move. The facts show he has wanted the 41st for quite some time and as soon as Capps said he was going to re-run Mintz decided to run in the 41st as a Dem. He really doesn't care about the Dem party or the republican party he is just an opportunist that wants Capps seat as an R or D he doesn't care.
Now let me address the this ridiculous accusation that asking tough questions and point out the FACTS of his past are somehow an attack. Can you please point out to me where it is written that pointing out the emperor has no clothes is some how traitorous. If you want to drink the kool-aid and make belive he is a dem that's fine with me but don't tell me that my site is anything other than a hard look at the very specific and public facts that make up this candidates past and his present spin on that.
I will continue to question the many inconsistencies in Mr Mintz's life and challenge the spin....It's all our jobs to ask tough questions.
Another interesting fact, Mint's website says he has lived his whole life in wake since graduating from HS. Well then why does his voter registration history only go back a few years in wake....Is it maybe because before that he was registered in Brunswick county where he has property and has also coincidentally been listed as being employed down there? So where is his real primary address. Who is this guy? Which is the real Mintz? Given his vacillating nature and propensity to say whatever is convenient at the time can you honestly believe anything he says?
You know what I can't stand, I can't stand someone trying to pull the wool over the voters eyes. What I feel sorry for are folks unwilling to look any deeper than the cover of a book and then pronounce critics of the book as "lacking character" and people who "should be ashamed of themselves" for exercising their most basic of American rights.
I think Kelly & Marshall must be related to Chris. Mintz is nothing but an absolute opportunist. A week before switching to the Dems, he was telling Russell Capps how much he liked and respected him. NO politician spends $100K of their own money for a job that pays 1/5 of that per year, unless they have ambitions to use that office as a launching pad. It is highly unlikely that Chris will be a good State Rep. because he'll be so focused on the "next step" in his career. He is everything that is wrong with politicians. Any Dem that votes for him can consider themselves suckered.
Max needs to get a life. I haven't met Mintz and don't even live in that district but I would vote for him if I could just because this Max guy is so crazy. Max's actions really reflect poorly on Ty. I hope he realizes that...
I agree with Kelly about keeping it to the ELECTION issues. What are their positions on:
- immigrants in the 41st
- schools in the 41st
- roads
- the lottery
- higher education
- homelessness
- Fayetteville Street construction
- minimum wage
- living below the poverty level
- lobbying reform
- war
- first amendment rights when it comes to controversial art, radio, books, magazines
- gun control/rights
- animal rights
- civil rights
- the rapidly expanding area of the 41st
- and the list goes on and on
Both Mintz and Harrell have much more going on in their lives right now than worrying about what one or two supporters may or may not be doing. We aren't dealing with Abramoff here.
Mintz supporters are only going to become more and more interested in "focusing on the issues."
Until the Oct. 2005 election (when he voted as a Republican), he had NEVER voted.
On Chris' website he says "I was born in North Carolina, and I've lived here my whole life." That's not true, he's lived in other states (p.s. not true = the "L" word).
He bolted the GOP when he saw an "easier" path to satisfy his political ambition.
He bolted one investment firm to join another (getting sued along the way for breaking his non-compete), because he saw another path to satisfy his professional ambition.
On his website he says "he learned the... principles of trust, [and] integrity."
Prove it Chris. Release the settlement agreement with the investment firm. Tell us why you never voted. Or do you have something to hide?
I am so fed up with this whole thing. I cannot believe that there is even a discussion about this. I am all for a big tent party - but when you change your ideals overnight, either you didn't have them in the first place or it is pure political opportunism.
What makes me the maddest is why are some of our leaders backing Mintz? His chief backer is Gardner Payne who is Bev Perdue's fundraiser. This makes no sense to me. Why would Perdue let her people back someone like Mintz in a Democratic Primary??? Can someone explain this to me. I have asked the Perdue campaign about it several times and cannot get an answer from them.
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