McCain Betting the Farm on Bush?
Likely GOP Presidential candidate Senator John McCain of Arizona appears to be staking his dreams of living in the White House to the future successes of the Bush Administration. This past weekend, McCain polled his name from consideration at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference and urged delegates to vote for President Bush. McCain argued to the party faithful that the President was in need of their support.
Previous to last weekends events, McCain has been wooing Bush operatives in Washington and early primary states.
I believe McCain made a huge mistake this past weekend in Memphis. McCain has always prided himself as being an independent voice in the Republican Party. By standing firmly with President Bush, McCain has shed his maverick position and opened himself to attacks from party insurgents on each ideological spectrum of the Republican Party.
McCain has to be seen as the "big loser" from the Memphis straw poll. He appeared weak on Republican core issues and the delegates received him in a luke-warm manner.
The 2008 primaries promise to be an exciting time for political observers. It will be interesting to see who emerges as the GOP front runner in the coming months. If history repeats itself, you can bet the Republicans will nominate the most conservative candidate who can win the general in 2008.
For McCain, his time may have come. Watch closely Mike Huckabee and Mark Sanford. Both New South Republican governors.
"...from the Memphis straw pole."
Isn't a "straw pole" a political version of a "house of cards"???
My bet is they pick Rudy Giulliani. The guy is already visiting Iowa and increasing speculation.
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