Our Ports and National Security
September 11, 2001 has left vivid imagery in the minds of every American. The attacks carried out against the United States that day will live with people for the rest of their lives. The terrorist attacks of 9-11 changed the politics of the country. As a Democrat who believes in a strong military and world presence for the United States, 9-11 and its aftermath have been a painful experience as the party searches for a sollution to its publicly perceived weakness on national security measures.
This week's disclosure of the Bush Administation's deal to allow our ports to be ran by a company from the United Arab Emirates is a travesty. Democrats now have an issue to counter the Republicans claim of being the party of national secuirty. It is not logical to allow a middle eastern nation to operate our nation's ports. If we are fighting a war on terrorism, why are we allowing the enemy to operate on our soil?
I really feel the American people are searching for a reason to vote for Democrats. The port security issue is a blessing in disguise for Democrats. We need to use this issue to take the secuirty issue away from the Republicans.
Let us not blow this Democrats.
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