Updates on Southern House and Senate Races
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The awarding of Iran's highest state medal to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez today for his support of Iran in its nuclear stnadoff with the west is a chilling reminder of the dangerous world we live. By offering mutual support between the two nations, Chavez, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, represent an alarming coalition that could destablize the world economy. Both nations hold their vast amounts of oil over the heads of the industrialized world. Any collaberation between these nations could send oil prices beyond the recent record highs.
If I have learned anything since I moved south, it is that Democrats must win rural and exurban voters to carry themselves to victory. North Carolina politics eptimizes this principle. There are high growth urban and suburban areas that contain native Tar Heel born residents mixed with many transplants from across the country. In the rural areas of the state there are mostly native born Tar Heel voters. I have been lucky to live in both environments while teaching here in the Tar Heel state, and have found that centrist language and politics appeals to voters across the state.
North Carolina's Democratic Governor, Mike Easley, was featured in the latest edition of the Democratic Leadership Council's Blue Print Magazine in an analysis of his success in winning in a Red State. The article discusses Easley's centrist character and his ability to attract voters from all ideological spectrums.
Ohio Republican Party Social Conservative Coordinator, Gary Lankford, has brought politics to a new low. In an email to GOP supporters, Lankford questioned the sexual orientation of Democratic candidate Ted Strickland and his wife. Denying the email was approved by the state GOP, Republican leaders have yet to fire Lankford for this dispicable act.
David Broder always has a way to say things best. His opinion piece in today's Washington Post is wonderful. I think it provides a telling story about election 2006 and how it is shaping up! Read it by clicking the link below.
Reported by: First Read: The day in politics by NBC News for NBC News, July 27, 2006
Meeting in Denver, Colorado this past weekend, the Democratic Leadership Council announced the American Dream Initiative (ADI). The ADI is a comprehensive plan to save the American Dream for Middle Class Americans and is written by DLC members SenatorHillary Clinton, Senator Tom Caper, and Governor Tom Vilsack. The ADI is an excellent start to recapturing the middle ground of American politics. I urge all to read the ADI by clicking on the link below.
Does Ralph Reed's defeat in the Georgia Republican Primary foreshadow futher troubles for GOP candidates wrapped in the Abramoff scandle? Read the article from the National Journal to find out.
Store Events - July 26, 7:00 PM
The College Democrats of America met this week in St. Louis to gear up for the 2006 and 2008 election years. Read the report by clicking on the link below.
Congressman Ted Strickland, a rural Ohio Democrat, is perhaps the best chance Ohio Dems have had in twenty years to win the state's chief executive office. Read about Strickland by clicking the link below.
The Independent, a local news magazine in the Triangle has reported on interesting developments surrounding Raleigh businessman and political figure Art Pope. Pope has recently targetted any Republican that does not subscribe to his conservative, anti-government philosophy. While doing so, Pope has created a political organization (527 group) that allows him to use monies that are undisclosed to the public. Please read the article by Bob Geary by clicking on the link below.
Read the latest article in The News and Observer regarding this fall's campaign and how some realtors and conservative groups are targetting "smart growth" candidates in the Triangle.
The last three mornings I have woke and viewed the further escolation of the crisis gripping the Middle East. Each side has dug in and is prepared to take the next step that may lead to an all out war in this modern day powderkeg. War in the Middle East would put United States soldiers in Iraq in the middle of a crisis which has no clear cut end. This situation is so dangerous that we may be witnessing the dawning of World War III.
As I write this post bombing raids continue to reck havoc on the Middle East. The current conflict between Israel, Hammas, and Hezbolah threatens to start a regional war and the United States finds itself having to deal with yet another foreign policy nightmare that could destabalize a region of the world that does not need much to trigger a major explosion.
The State newspaper details the race for the governorship of South Carolina. The Democrats have a chance, but will need to raise money in a very short time period.
Carolina Demline has learned from a source close to Bill Graham, the Gas Tax crusader turned advocate for immigration reform in North Carolina, will announce later this year he will seek the Republican nomination for governor in 2008. Graham is a lawyer from Salisbury and is Chairman of North Carolina Conservatives United.
In somewhat stunning political news, Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper announced that he will not run for governor in 2008. Cooper, who was elected AG in 2000, was thought to be among a the big three Democrat candidates looking to succeed incumbent Governor Mike Easley who is barred to seek re-election. Cooper will seek a third term as the state's AG.
Left office with low approval ratings and now beloved by Presidential historians, much debate has been made of which party Harry Truman would belong. The Weekly Standard has chimed in on this week on their belief that Truman would be a Republican today.
National Journal released an exclusive report on the salaries paid for White House personell.
I have included a link to Nationl Journal in regards to campaign finance reform and how it is impacting state and local elections. I found this to be an interesting piece of commentary. Check it out by clicking on the link below.
On the heels of the raise in the minimum wage in North Carolina, I found it interesting that my state of birth, Ohio, is considering such a change. Former North Carolina Senator was in Columbus to push for a minimum wage increase in the Buckeye State this past weekend.
North Carolina's working poor will get a minimum wage increase after is passed the Assembly Monday evening. Governor Easley has stated he will sign the legislation. It is nice to see the NC General Assembly taking a large step forward to help the working poor of our state.
Since 1997, the minimum wage in the United States has remained at $5.15 per hour. As the minimum wage has remained the same, prices for goods and services (food, gas, childcare, etc.) have skyrocketed to their highest levels in history, making it difficult for American families to make ends meet. Congress has failed to deal with this causing many states to pass minimum wage increases within their state assemblies.
North Carolina Governor Mike Easley was named New Dem of the Week by the Democratic Leadership Council. Click on the link below to see what the DLC has to say about our Governor.
In 2006 and 2008, Democrats need to return to the themes of the two successful Clinton campaigns of 1992 and 1996. Read the analysis from the Democratic Leadership Council in the Washington Post.
With the North Carolina legislature debating the importance of raising the state's minimum wage, I found this article from The American Prospect to be very timely. Minimum Politics, by former Clinton Administration Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, discusses a strategy Democrats could use to corner Republicans on this all too important issue.
Interesting read on the capture of Somalia by Al-Qaeda linked rebels.
I have stirred all day long about what to post on the big Democratic issue of the day. This may be th hardest post I have sat down to write because of my strong defense of former Vice-Presidential nominee Joe Lieberman. After debating with Democratic activists on my belief that Democrats need to keep Joe Lieberman in the United States Senate, the Connecticut Senator announced that he is allowing signatures to be collected that would put him on the ballot as an Independent should he lose the Democratic primary. Oh Joe! You have gone too far on this one and made yourself, and your supporters, look pretty damn stupid!
I was sent this site from a listserv I subscribe to. It deals with Western Democrats and it had a good post about our Senator John Edwards and his chances of winning in the west. Please view it and become familiar with issues facing the west.
The North Carolina General Assembly will vote on the state budget this week. You may read the major provisions of the budget by clicking on the link below.
The Washington Monthly's Alan Wolfe has authored great analysis on the problems with conservative control of government. I have included a link below for you to view the article.