Happy Fourth of July

As Americans celebrate the 230th birthday of this great nation, let us not foreget the sacrafices that have been given by many to make the United States into the strongest and wealthiest country in history. Today we reflect upon our rich heritage and praise the accomplishments of our republican experiment that began with the Decleration of Independence in 1776.
An advantage of being a public school teacher is having the summer to partake in relaxation. I use my summers to read and further my understanding of the country we live. It is fitting that I am reading 1776, by David McCullough. I know this book has been out for some time, and I feel horrible that I am now just reading it, but I am finding it to be fascinating and informative.
1776 puts in perspective the mindset of our Founding Fathers as they pledged their lives to the betterment of society. The ideals of the Enlightenment Period, freedom from tyranny, individual responsibilty, and government of the people were the bedrock the Founders used in the creation of this republic. The Founding Fathers understood they were making history by revolting against the established ways of the world. Their courage would lead to the defeat of the greatest empire and spark revolutions against monarchies across Europe, most notably France some ten years later.
The ideals of the Founding Fathers have allowed for debate and the evolution of our country. Today, Americans find themselves discussing issues rooted in the ideals that have shaped this country and whether we should export them to other parts of the world. I anticipate this discussion will last for another 230 years.
I wish y'all a Happy Fourth of July. May you enjoy the freedoms you have and give thanks to those who have made them possible.
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