In Defense of Israel
As I write this post bombing raids continue to reck havoc on the Middle East. The current conflict between Israel, Hammas, and Hezbolah threatens to start a regional war and the United States finds itself having to deal with yet another foreign policy nightmare that could destabalize a region of the world that does not need much to trigger a major explosion.
I have been a strong advocate for the country of Israel throughout my political life. Israel has been a stable democracy for the past 60 years in a region wih no history of democratic tradition. Israel has rarely provoked attacks from its Arab neighbors, but has defended itself when pushed to do so. When asked to negotiate with its neighbors, Israel has always came to the table and concedced points in exchange for peace.
Most recently, Israel has given up territory to the Palestinians and allowed for them to have their own elections. When given this opportunity, the Palestinians elected a regional terror organization to control the government.
I feel the people of Israel should be commended in their efforts to seek peace with Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world. Peace is attainable in this region, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel have proven this point. However, when dealing with the Palestinians and other Arab nations, the Israelis have attempted to give concessions, only to be faced with situations like the present. This being said, it is understandable why Israel has reacted by using military force to deal with current affairs that threaten their soveriegnty. Israel has every right to defend itself from those who wish to eradicate it from the face of the Earth.
Hammas and Hezbolah receive much of their funding and support from Iran and Syria. These two nations are a serious problem in the Middle East. Each is an enemy of freedom and they both wish to spread Islamic Fascism around the world.
I am troubled by the response of the United Nations and Old Europe towards Israel considering the current situtation was spurred by terrorists groups with the backing of Syria and Iran. When you factor into the equasion that Iran is seeking the development of nuclear weapons, the nation thumbs its nose at the world when asked to negotiate about its nuclear development, and its President Ahmadinejad has stated on numerous occasions he would like to see Israel destroyed, how can any group (the UN and Old Europe) falt Israel in its actions?
I pray that a sollution can be arrived at that will stop the violence from erupting into a full scale regional war. But with nations like Iran and Syria holding influence, past history shows little hope for a peaceful outcome.
Not only are you absolutely correct but your views are in line with practically every Democrat in the House and senate as well as the overwhelming majority of the American people. Stand tall.
Every one has to be patriot to the country he belongs. However, if human element exists in a sane mind, it certainly objects to the wrath forced on innocent Lebanonese civilians. It is a naked aggression carried out by Israel in the name of right of defence against all human norms.
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