My good friend "Joe" recently posted comments to this site comments in regards to
Washington Post commentary on Joe Lieberman's Senate re-election campaign in Connecticut. It seems that many have a problem with Senator Lieberman's strong stance on the Iraq War and would like to see him defeated in the primary by an anti-war Democrat.
In the 1955 book
Profiles in Courage, then Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts wrote of men who risked their political futures to stand upon their principles. If Joe Lieberman were alive at that time, his stance would be in this book.
I am disturbed of the factionalization of the war issue within the Democratic Party. I have always believed the Democratic Party to be the true "big tent" party allowing for diversity in opinion. I am fearful, if Lieberman loses in the Democratic Party, that factions will employ litmus tests to candidates pushing our party further from the mainstream of the American electorate.
I ask the anti-war, Daily Kos faction, who are targetting Lieberman for defeat, why aren't you targetting Teddy Kennedy for defeat? He was close to President Bush in passage of the No Child Left Behind Act, which incidentally is ruining American education. Why aren't you targetting Democrats who voted for Bush's tax cut package? It is putting a huge burden on people my age because of the deficits being created? The decision to challenge a sitting incumbent because of a single issue is hogwash and threatens the stability of our party.
Joe Lieberman has proven himself to be an able represnetative for the people of Connecticut. He has an impecable record on women's issues, is a supporter of civil liberties, and has voted for labor issues consistantly. When viewing his voting record, one will find that his Democratic credentials are strong.
Lieberman is one of the few statesman in our party. He is someone who can cross party lines and get issues resolved. The loss of Lieberman in the Senate would be great.
I hope the people of Connecticut will see through this ploy of the left and give Joe Lieberman the primary victory he deserves.