Sunday, January 29, 2006

Commentary on Republicans from the Texas Observer

Read the two links below to find interesting commentary on recent Republican activities.

Louisiana Democrats at a Crossroads?

Read the link below to learn about the issues facing the Louisiana Democratic Party. The issues being discussed are similar to issues facing Democrats across the country.

AG Cooper wants Strict Ethical Standards

Attorney General Roy Cooper of North Carolina called for strict ethical standards in response to recent stories about public coruption in government. Read the article from the Raleigh News and Observer.

News and Observer Article about Former NC Legislator Art Pope

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Democratic Leadership Council memo on Fighting Terror

Southern Political Report: January 30, 2006

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Wake County Young Democrats Meeting on Tuesday

Goodwin House
January 24th - 6:30 pm

The Wake County Young Democrats will gather for their annual Members Forum and Executive Board Elections. This was a great event last January with great participation, tons of energy and some superb ideas for making the group better.
We look forward to having everyone's participation and input again so that we can continue to improve as an organization, providing greater benefits to our members, to our party, to our candidates and to our community.

Protecting Workers' Pensions

Below you will see a link to an article dealing with pension plans and the American worker. The article discusses the issue of workers losing their plan, while CEO's have their pension protected. It is a very enlightening article and a must read for any Democrat (liberal, moderate, or conservative). The pension protection issue is something that could unite people of all backgrounds. Our party must begin to discuss issues instead of fingerpointing and pension protection would be a wonderful place to start.

I have dedicated this blog to the goal of providing a Moderate to Conservative Democratic platform. I have tried to highlight issues that a borad section of the party's constituency can unite behind.

I was totally disgusted in 2004 when the Democratic Party failed to offer a comprehensive reform plan for pension protection. Instead of talking about economic issues that affect the American workforce, the Democrats let social issues define their fate.

In our everchanging economic world, workers need to have faith that their pensions will be protected. It is a crime of the highest level to move a company, close a business, etc., and have the employees lose their pension plan. It is time for true reform of this issue and Democrats must take the lead.

The pension reform issue is one that my blog viewers will see alot of in the coming months. It is an issue that I hold dear to my heart because I feel it is an area where government truly has a role to play in protecting the spirit of capitalism. I welcome your comments and thoughts and look forward to this discussion.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

House Majority Leader Race Update

I enjoyed last weekend's Fox News Sunday program with Chris Wallace. On the program, Wallace interviewed each candidate for the House Majority Leader's post and asked them questions of how they would reform the Congress. I had to laugh at many of the answers, especially those dealing with the fact that all three individuals have had ethical scandals dealing with lobbyist dollars. Their answers reminded me of middle schoolers who always state that I did break the rule, but it wasn't as bad as the other person.

Democrats and Abortion

As we celebrate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, us Democrats need to reflect on how this decision has torn at the core of our voting constituency. As a Democrat, I have always believed in a woman's right to choose. As a Catholic, I was taught abortion is wrong. My plight is very similar to other Democrats who see both the moral and constitutional issue at play.

Democrats need to begin to echo the words of President Clinton during the 1992 campaign. I believe he said it best that abortions must be safe, rare, and legal.

The link below deals with the abotion issue and was posted on the website of the Center for American Progress which is ran by former Clinton Administration officials. It is written by Jessica Arons and Shira Saperstein. It's a great article!

Democratic Senator's take lead on Iranian Issue

View the link below to read about how Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Evan Bayh are taking the lead in the United States Congress to deal with Iran.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Protect Joe Lieberman

State of State Address from Virginia Governor Mark Warner

Saturday, January 14, 2006

January 16, 2006 Southern Political Report

A Must Read for every Hockey Fan!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mike Easley for President?

Read the article below and decide whether North Carolina Governor Mike Easley is running for President of the United States?

Monday, January 09, 2006

Are we Pro-War or Anti-War??

Commentary in the Weekly Standard.

Brookings Institution Analysis on the Budget Deficit

Read the link below to find out about how deficits will impact future generations of Americans.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Where Government has a Place to Protect People: The West Virginia Mining Story

President Clinton and the Labor Department signed many measures to protect our nation's coal miners. Many of the reform and protection measures enforced by the Clinton Administration have been repealed or were left to expire under the Bush Administration.

The following article deals with the issues of coal miners in the country. It is a must read on an issue that all Democrats should be able to agree that reforms need to be reinstated to protect workers in our coal mining industry.

2006 State of the Union Preview from The American Prospect

Will GOP use Immigration as Wedge Issue in 2006?

Commentary in The American Prospect on possible campaign strategy for GOP candidates in 2006.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Response to Blue Collar Dem and Joe-Bob

Hello all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I know that I sure am enjoying the lovely weather for January here in the Tar Heel State. It sure beats the January weather I grew up with while living in the Buckeye state of Ohio.

I have lived in North Carolina for almost two years. In that time, I have developed a great appreciation for life in the south. I understand what natives mean when they say "southern by birth, Carolinian by the grace of God." I have been welcomed so warmly by the people of this state and want to live here the rest of my life.

I came here because there are no opportunities in Ohio for twenty something males. The state's education system is in shambles because neither party has taken leadership in solving the equity of funding across the state. The Democrats are a mouthpiece for the teachers union and the Republicans are a mouthpiece for the charter school/voucher community. Neither faction has the child's best needs at heart, and until each party tells their respective interest group to buzz off, nothing will change.

I feel the job I am doing as an educator is one of the most important occupations a person can undertake. I have been involved with public service for about ten years. I can honestly say teaching is my favorite job I have had in my life. It is truly a service to our country that compares only with military service and law enforcement/firefighting. The job of an educator does not pay much in monetary value, but the rewards of the education profession are visible each day when a student tells you thanks, smiles at a story, understands a concept previously misunderstood, or comes to you for advise or help with something in their lives.

I believe a social studies classroom should be fair and balanced. Politics and opinion on national/international issues should never enter a classroom. Students should be able to arrive at answers without the fear of disappointing a teacher. Students in my classroom do not know my political affiliation. In Joe-Bob's post, he says God help our children because I subsribe to a moderate to centrist viewpoint in the Democratic Party. I disagree...I say God Help our Children when teachers/professors push their own agenda on each student, while choking off any type of debate from opposing sides.

I am a Blue Dog Democrat because I have always been concerned with the deficit and national debt our nation is compiling. I feel people my age will see their future prospectus devalued because of the irresponsible decisions being made by baby-boom politicians of both parties.

I have never believed in the liberal social engineering, tax and spend policies that are employed by the Northeast and Leftcoast politicians. I do not believe that business is the root of all evil. I do believe there is a place for government in our lives, but feel that the policies of the leftist liberals and spend thrift Republicans are hurting middle-class Americans trying to make it in the information aged economy. I believe the Democrats have a tremendous opportunity to capture middle-class voters who are attempting to build portfolios, small businesses, etc. However, with Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Ted Kennedy as our parties spokespeople, those voters will continue to vote Republican.

Voters across the country, and especially in the south which ironically Joe-Bob is the fastest growing part of the country because people are moving here from all over the country to engage in venture capitalism, will not elect Democrats that talk only in nastolgic English in an attempt to placate the interests of a few narrow minded constituencies. Labor Unions, urban city-dwellers, and socially liberal members of society make up a small fraction of today's electorate. Their coalition is not strong enough to propel Democrats to victory and by narrowing the party's message to these groups alienates large portions of the country, including those in the suburbs and growing rural areas of the United States.

If my beliefs infuriate some Democrats, I do not care. Kick me out of the party if you want. I will still believe in the things I do. But I caution you, if you want to win you will follow the Clinton's, Lieberman, and the DLC.

By the way Joe-Bob, are you still teaching Communism 101 at Firelands College? God Help those students who may differ with your opinion!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Commentary in New York Times on the Religous Left

A New Year, a new beginning!

For the most part, I have devoted my blog to politics. In 2006, the blog will not change but I am going from time-to-time post insights from my life here in Raleigh. I am sure it will bore most of you, so if you have a case of insomnia, read my personal news and your hope for sleep may come true.

I am very excited about 2006. It promises to be a very challenging year because of grad school, work, and politics. I am challenging myself to become the best person I can be.

Among the events I am looking forward to is the marriage of two of my best friends. I will omit their names, but I know they are readers of my blog, and I wish both of you the very best.

I am also pumped over the fact that the Washington Redskins are back in the playoffs.

Finally, living in the triangle with three major college basketball teams within 20 minutes of each other promises to be unbelievable.


I back the Pack!

Have a great year!!!

Happy New Year

Good-bye 2005 and welcome 2006! I hope y'all had a very happy holiday season and are now rested and ready to begin the festivities of what will be a very exciting political year. Since this is my first blog report of the New Year, I thought I would devote this posting to making political predictions for the year.

So here it goes....

1. Democrats will pick up three seats in the United States Senate. Look for Democratic victories in currently held Republican seats in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.

2. Democrats will see a net gain of two seats in the United States House of Representatives.

3. Republican Congressman Robin Hayes of North Carolina will be defeated in his bid for re-election.

4. Florida Governor Jeb Bush will be the Republican nominee for the United States Senate in Florida, but will lose to incumbent Senator Bill Nelson.

5. North Carolina Democrats will remain in control of the House and Senate in the NC General Assembly.

6. Outgoing Virginia Governor Mark Warner will surface as the alternative to Senator Hillary Clinton in the 2008 race for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

7. Senator John Kerry will announce he will not seek re-election to the Senate from Massachusetts and focus entirely on a second Presidential campaign.

8. Senator Joe Liebermann of Connecticut will replace Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense.

9. Karl Rove will not be indicted in the CIA leak case.

10. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford will be re-elected by a slim margin.