Sunday, May 14, 2006

Suburban Republicans Respond to Democratic Attacks

In the changing electoral patterns in the United States, the suburban and ex-urban areas of the country are becoming more important to the political parties. President Clinton was successful at carrying suburban districts in his re-election in 1996, yet Democrats lost the suburbs to President Bush in both the 2000 and 2004 election cycles.

Suburban and ex-urban voters are the most important voting block in the country today. They are crucial to any Democratic victory. Most suburban and ex-urban voters are college educated, of the professional class, and care deeply about the deficit and social issues. They tend to be fiscally conservative and socially moderate and worry about the direction the country is going.

The Democratic Leadership Council has argued over the past 20 years of the importance of suburban and ex-urban voters. The Republicans are now taking note and the article below outlines the efforts Republicans are taking to keep these voters in their fold during the 2006 election cycle.


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