Sunday, November 06, 2005

Joe-Bob and the Plight of the Moderates

I was at a local coffee shop surfing the web today and ran across an interesting website that a friend recommended I read. Its name is Running for the County Line. Its editor identifies himself as "Joe-Bob" and by reading the opinions on it, he is appropriately named. Joe-Bob is very opinionated, but fails miserably in backing up his wild assertions with any factual information.

Joe-Bob has serious problems with Moderate Democrats. He claims in his post that the Democratic Leadership Council is a rightist organization that believes the only way to win is to abandon Democratic principles. Joe-Bob is critical of Senator Joe Lieberman, saying, "he is not much of a Democrat."

I find this website funny to read because it is full of irony. The beliefs of Joe-Bob are the issues that Republicans use to divide and defeat Democrats. Joe-Bob would be happy if the United States government embraced socialism, paid people not to work, and taxed our future generations into submission.

It is the beliefs of Joe-Bob that are driving moderate Democrats and Independents away from our party and into the GOP fold. This flight of working class, moderate Americans has changed the nature of elections in many states. The shift in voting patterns in the south is a direct implication of the beliefs of Joe-Bob and his fantasy of a socialistic society.


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