Chapel Hill Confessions
On a recent visit to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, it was evident to me one of the major issues facing the Democratic Party. On this bright and beautiful fall day, I listened to liberals talk about their disgust with President George W. Bush, the War in Iraq, and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Each person spoke with such anger toward our President and the Republican Party. No one offered a positive alternative to our countries woes.
If President Clinton taught Democrats anything, it was to stay positive. Even during the most depressing times of the Clinton Presidency, President Clinton was always upbeat. He focused on the American people, and made people feel comfortable with him as their President.
Democrats need to "get over" the fact that President Bush has been elected and re-elected President. It is time to offer the American people an agenda that promotes opportunity and responsibility. We can do this by being positive about the future of our country.
"Don't Stop thinking about Tomorrow!"
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