Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Reforming Fiscal Responsibility

As promised in my previous posting, today's blog topic will be dedicated to Fiscal Responsibility in our nation's government. As a 28 year old single teacher, I am deeply concerned with the enourmous debt that is being left to people of my generation to pay off. Both parties seem to have a belief that money grows on trees and that financing the present spending on the backs of future generations of Americans is pefectly fine.

It is my belief that the Democratic Party has an opportunity to win over a generation of American voters by offering fiscal restraint to the 20-30 something age bracket. Talking tough will not be enough, Democrats must act with fiscal restraint once in power.

Most of my beliefs about fiscal responsibility come from my family and various political organizations I am a member in. To save time, I have copied some articles from these organizations to hilight the need for fiscal responsibility. Read them and come to your own conclusions.

Article from the Concord Coalition

Articles from the Democratic Leadership Council


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4:44 PM  

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