Monday, November 28, 2005

It's Time for a Real Reform Movement

Recent revelations of corruption in Washington D.C. have brought our great nation to a fork in the road. The American people are thirsty for honest and effective leadership from the White House to the Court House. Democrats must be willing to put forth an agenda that addresses the needs for reform in government.

In the past thirty years, scandal-after-scandal have filled columns in American newspapers. Each party has presented a plan on how to end corruption and return government and decision making to the people; all to find they become corrupted by the same power they vowed to change.

In 2006 the door is wide open for a truly reform minded party to clean up the mess in Washington, D.C. Democrats need to position themselves as the party who can lead a reform movement in our nation's capital. History has shown that Democrats are the party of reform and with a meaningful agenda, American voters will turn to us again.

This week I will dedicate my blog site to offering three agenda pieces to Democrats. We will begin tomorrow by exploring the need for fiscal conservatism, Wednesday will be dedicated to lobbying and campaign finance reform, and Thursday will be a close look at the Middle Class and issues facing this great group of Americans in the future.

In my reform minded agenda, I am leaving out any discussion of social issues. Social issues are killing our party nationally. It is my belief that a true reform minded agenda that is centrist in nature, with focus on the Middle Class of our country, can transform our party into a national party once more. I welcome this debate and look forward to your comments!


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