A new Deal Idea for the 21st Century
When becoming President in 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt understood the importance of re-building America's infrastructure so that economic growth would be made possible. The programs made sense, people needed work, and America needed the new buildings, bridges, etc. This overhaul of America's infrastructure paved the way for the economic expansion America saw after World War II and allowed the United States to become the leader of the industiralized world.
In 1933, a major infrastrucure improvement was to deliver electric power to rural areas of our country. President Roosevelt made this goal a major part of his New Deal package of reforms and created the Rural Electric Authority. This agency was responsible for bringing electric power to farms and small cities across America, allowing these areas to grow economically as well.
Today, our economy is based on knowledge. The power of one's intellectual capacity will determine their position in the information aged economy. To ensure that all Americans have equal access to knowledge, Democrats should offer a New Deal Idea for the 21st Century. I believe it is time that Democrats back a nation-wide effort to provide wireless internet in every city, town, village, and rural area in the United States.
Many cities are already providing this service to their ctizens, but without a major push from the federal government, this idea will not become reality. I have included a link below to a story intoday's Raleigh News and Observer. The City of Chapel Hill is pursuing this idea and it sparked this web-post.
I first thought of this idea about three years ago while working on the Edwards campaign. I have made it part of a platform development I am working on for the North Carolina Young Democrats Education Caucus and look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Have a great Saturday and "Lets Go Canes!!!"
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